Shabbat Services, 5784Upcoming Shabbat Services:
All services take place in our 'main sanctuary', AKA the chapel at the north entrance to the building. We will be holding Shabbat services in-person or over Zoom for 5784 / 2023-2024 on the following dates: Our upcoming schedule for services is as follows: Shabbatot August 5 and 6 HIGH HOLIDAYS - SEE HOME PAGE November 3 and 4 December 1 and 2 February 2 and 3 March 1 and 2 April 5 and 6 May 3 and 4 June 7 and 8 Additional Events: October 24 - JCC / Temple Anshe Hesed / Brith Sholom Joint Program Zoom links change each month, so be sure to check email or the home page for the latest link. |